
PCI 5th Anniversary

PCI 5th Anniversary

Time flies; it feels as if the club only had its 1st anniversary recently, and now it’s time to celebrate its 5th. 80 Porsche enthusiasts were welcomed with a speech by former Club President, Mr. Albert Maknawi, Mr. Ali Setiawan, new President of Porsche Club Indonesia and Mr. Christoph Choi, Managing Director of Porsche Indonesia.

Mr. Iwan Bogananta was door prize winner and 4 club members Mr. Octavianus Tedjojuwono, Mr. Andres Setiawan, Mr. Patrick Widjaja and Mr. Lucky Soebyantoro collected other gifts. With increasing numbers of enthusiasts, Porsche is wholeheartedly committed to the club, brand and spirit of Porsche.

For more information on PCI membership and Porsche events, kindly contact info@porsche.co.id


PCI Anniv 3

February 20, 2015